Panda is the bigger of the 2 updates now. Panda has overtaken Penguin to be the most dreaded update of all time. Google has realized punishing a site based on it’s back links is ridiculous. Now Google’s target is your onpage factors and contents. Google has made over 20 plus changes to their Panda algorithm to weed out junk sites. It is important you clean your site now to avoid future boot from search results.


If you have junk on your site it is time to clean up. Prevent any penalties in future by making your site update proof. An update proof site is one that cannot be booted regardless of what the changes come in search engines. Only way to have an update proof site is to have organic backlinks and Unique contents. If you write your contents then you don’t have to worry but remember hiring a cheap writer from a third world country is not the same as you writing yourself. If you write something about your site you will already have the necessary expertise to bring quality information. A cheap freelance writer will not do the same. All they do is paraphrase and plagiarize from Internet.

Red alert has been issues clean your site or forget your search engine rankings.