Bing recently updated it’s algorithm to tackle URL keyword stuffing. They agreed millions of spam URLs were removed. That is the type of update that tackles real spammers. Killing a site just because they had links from some article submission sites is not OK. You killed a site we own because it had article and bookmarking links and now that site has over 50,000 bookmark links. Who did that we don’t know. Google wake up don’t allow others to kill our sites. Come up with an intelligent update like Bing. Don’t allow others to take over the killer button keep it in your control our give us the control.

bing update better than penguin

Few points from their interesting blog post

As I mentioned in the previous blog, we will not be giving out specific details on detection algorithms because spammers are likely to use that knowledge to evolve their techniques. I can, however, tell you that we look at a number of signals that suggest possible use of URL keyword stuffing, such as:

  • Site size
  • Number of hosts
  • Number of words in host/ domain names and path
  • Host/ domain/ path keyword co-occurrence (inc. unigrams and bigrams)
  • % of the site cluster comprised of top frequency host/ domain name keywords
  • Host/ domain names containing certain lexicons/ pattern combinations (e.g. [“year”, “event | product name”],
  • Site/page content quality & popularity signals”

Bing has a long way to catch with Google but that doesn’t mean Google is outstanding. We love Google except the killer update nicknamed penguin which allowed others to hurt our sites.




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